The Rewrite

In 2016 I published my first book.

The book, Coach Life, is a quick read of silly stories and personal musings about the dream-turned-reality first-year experiences of a single female novice RVer.

Being my first book, I  didn’t do any of the tedious work our favorite authors do – develop characters, scenes or plot. I also didn’t take a single chance to shock, offend or reveal secrets about me or others I wrote about. A cancer scare pushed me into getting it done with the thought that I could add all that juicy stuff to my next book, if I lived that long.

Since then, I’ve followed writer’s blogs, taken courses, even attended a Publishing at Sea cruise where a publishing agent advised me that although the book was funny, entertaining and well-written, she recommended a rewrite. 

As much as I’ve tried to head this advice I haven’t. I tried. I dug into my journals for character details. I researched the geography and history of the locations where I traveled. I practiced spilling my emotional guts on the page.

But I’m not that person traveling around in the RV anymore. Far from it. I’ve settled into a lovely life in a tiny mountain town in Southwestern Colorado with a dog and a cat, fully engaged in a complete home renovation.

I discovered so many interesting things in this rewrite process it’s almost like I’ve hopped aboard a new travel adventure, one through space and time.

Who knows, I might just end up republishing my Coach Life